Present: Mike Karnes, Doug Pilcher, Samantha McKinney, Phil Vance, Alex Dreiling, Primo Rivera, Brad Davy, Rich Whitlow, Toby Silhavy, Manrico Mincuzzi, and Michael Hobson
Absent: Jorge Guzman and Clark Hymas
Guest: Adi Kochav
Meeting began at 9:04 p.m. EST.
Approval of February Minutes – Mike Karnes
The February minutes are out for approval. There is a duplicate sentence that will be removed. A motion was made to approve the February 2020 meeting minutes by Mike Karnes and seconded by Doug Pilcher. Motion passed unanimously.
IMAC and the Coronavirus in the U.S. – Doug Pilcher
Doug has been contacted by several members on our stand with the coronavirus. Primo has also received several emails with questions and concerns. Currently, President Trump has suggested no more than 10 people in a group and social distancing. Primo will be deciding on Wednesday on whether to cancel the Ocala contest. There are several pilots registered for this contest. Rich believes along with the issue of transmission; will the pilots be able to find a place to stay and eat. Some companies are requiring a self-quarantine of 14 days if an employee has traveled.
The BOD and IMAC must adhere to state and local guidelines. The decision to cancel contests will be left up to the CD, who must adhere to federal, state, and local guidelines.
Rich has contacted AMA to see what their policy is. AMA was having a meeting today and didn’t get back with Rich. A question was raised on if the clubs will be refunded their sanction fee. Alex says they are refundable with sanctions through April 30. Doug says that AMA has always allowed the moving of a sanction date, even if a contest or event is re-scheduled without an additional fee.
IMAC’s stance is for all RDs and CDs to adhere to state and local regulations/guidelines for their contests. Brad recommended IMAC put out a statement to the membership. Doug will write up and send an email to our membership. The BOD recommends that they wait until at least 7 days out to decide on whether to call a contest.
March 15th Deadline for RCPs – Doug Pilcher
Mike checked and no one outside of IMAC has sent in an RCP. There won’t be no new rule changes for 2021-2022.
International Judging School Update – Primo Rivera
Since there will be no rule changes for the next cycle, Mike asked if we should be having an International Judging School. Primo believes we should have something for the instructors, not necessarily a massive school. He has been calling venues and many seem to be expensive. He is currently looking at a place around I-85. This venue does displays with airplanes and it seems promising. They are about 45 minutes from the airport, and close to Hinesville. Primo is also trying to get in touch with Jerry Hailey to see if he would be interested in Childers Racing to host the school. One concern is the weather in North Carolina in January.
Primo was asked if he has checked with any of the local EAA chapters, along with checking with colleges that have aeronautics programs.
It was asked if it was practical to having an online judging school for the instructors. Brad thinks we could do it, just wouldn’t have the visuals. There wouldn’t be as much interaction between student and instructor. This class teaches instructors how to teach the class. He doesn’t necessarily believe it will be effective online. It is something to consider if we don’t' have any other options. We might possibly get more participation but cannot predict that.
NATs 2020 Update – Rich Whitlow
Currently, we have three committed judges, which includes Doug and Mike. Rich has emailed Yolanda to see what they are thinking about the NATs in general over the coronavirus. The T-shirt sizes are in and Rich will be getting with Rosie to talk over preliminary plans for the banquet.
Regional Savings vs. Regional Budgeted Funds – Mike Karnes
The Executive BOD is currently working on this issue. The plan is to separate regional budgeted funds from their actual regional’s funds. This has never been done; it has always been reported with the IMAC General Operating account. Currently, the regions have more money saved up than what the General Operating account has.
It was discussed last month to currently only use the budgeted funds for awards and regional judging schools. Alex asked if we should lower the IMAC budgeted funds, thinking the $1,250 is too high. With the savings in each region and what is budgeted for each region, the current money owed to the regions is over $20,000.
2019 Year-End Financials – Phil Vance
Brad would like to see a comparison of the 2019 Budget versus 2019 Actual Financial Statement before releasing to the membership. Phil will get these numbers together and get it out to the BOD.
Treasurer’s Report – Phil Vance
As of tonight, March 16, 2020, the General Operating Account has:
Checking $ 5,248.65
PayPal $31,032.38
Total $36,281.03
Regional Issues – All RDs
Alex just cancelled the contest this weekend for the SW. The governor just put a 50-person limit on group gatherings.
The Toledo Show was cancelled in the NC region due to the coronavirus. The T-shirts were not Toledo Show theme-based, so Toby will be selling them throughout the region this month. The next thing up is the judging seminar in Muncie in a month. Toby has been working with Dan Carroll from Australia on an electronic scoring system.
The SC region has a skills clinic schedule for this weekend. Rich predicts it will be cancelled, but the decision won’t be made until Wednesday. The following week was supposed to be a clinic in Kansas, but they are already cancelling it.
Primo will speak with the CD of the Ocala contest on Wednesday and decide on the contest. He will follow Florida’s state and local guidelines. After that, there is a judging school in the SE region, but will wait and see what happens.
The NE region doesn’t start their season until the end of April.
NE is keeping their fingers crossed. End of April is when the schedule starts.
In the European region, Manrico has postponed the Europeans until 2021 due to the coronavirus. The plan is as of now to continue with the first addition of the Euro Cup.
In the Asia-Pacific region, Michael is in the process of signing up 50-60 members. Australia is trailing the U.S. by a month or two on the coronavirus. The restrictions will possible mirror the U.S.
Meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.m. EST.