Present:  Mike Karnes, Doug Pilcher, Samantha McKinney, Phil Vance, Primo Rivera, Brad Davy, Toby Silhavy, Rich Whitlow, Alex Dreiling, Clark Hymas, Jorge Guzman, Michael Hobson, and Manrico Mincuzzi

Meeting was opened on the IMAC BOD forum on June 12, 2020

Approval of May 2020 BOD Meeting Minutes – Doug Pilcher

A motion was made to approve the May 2020 BOD meeting minutes by Doug Pilcher.  Seconded by Rich Whitlow.  With no objections, the motion passed.

IMAC Website – Doug Pilcher

Doug informed the BOD that we have until February/March 2021 until we lose our current website.  Doug has floated around several ideas.  One idea is migrating the current website over to Diamond Computers’ servers.  Diamond would have 330 Down and 30 Up.  Rich does not like this idea unless we pay Diamond for fair market.  Doug has also mentioned looking into leasing a virtual server, such as Amazon Cloud.

Doug would like to see the forums possibly back to the main site.  V Bulletin is more time consuming with matching members to membership status automatically instead of manually.  If the forums are moved back to the main site, IMAC members would then get upgraded and removed from Members Only forums as determined by their membership status.  Also, an accurate accounting of voting without verifying each vote as they came in manually.

Rich recommended getting a committee formed to look at costs for potential ideas.

Treasurer’s Report – Phil Vance

At the end of May, the general operating account is as follows;

Checking             $  3,047.26

PayPal                 $34,173.82

Total                    $37,221.08

As of June 25, the general operating account is as follows:

Checking          $  2,755.28

PayPal              $35,984.23

Total                $38,739.51

Regions Report – All RDs

Rich reported that South Central has their first contest, Broken Arrow, in Tulsa, OK.  The event ran smoothly.

The NC held a virtual judging seminar, hosted by Mike Karnes.  It went over fantastic.  Our first contest is KRAM in July.  There are still several cancellations.  The border between the States and Canada is still closed.  Our region is still selling T-shirts.  Toby is asking about RPS trophies; he doesn’t see that the cost is worth for the number of contests that we have.

The SW will hopefully start up at the end of August.

THE NE has had 2 contests.  There have been several cancellations, but the clubs are hoping to have their contests rescheduled later in the year.  The attendance is low.  The upside, the intermediate and advances classes have an increase in participation.

Meeting was adjourned on June 30, 2020.