Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes

Monday Oct 16, 2023

Attendees: Alex Dreiling, Jim McCall, Rick Crow, Jacques Telles, Dave Dupre, Primo Rivera, Kevin Garland, Tim Cooper, Tim Hughes,

Absent: Michael Hobson, Jamie Hicks, Oliver Soto, Adi Kochav, Manrico Mincuzzi,

Guest: Dan Carroll

  1. Website Update – IRPS is working, Imports work now. All RD’s have the ability to import scores. Points update every 15 minutes. Email has been migrated to a new host. Microsoft 365 is working and setup.
  2. Electronic Judging – Several folks are working on the updates to the system. This is being used around the country with good success. Great cooperation amongst the development team.
  3. US NATS – 16-19 July 2024 – Muncie, IN we will have 2 sites this year.
  4. 2024 Sequeces
  5. General Business – None
  1. Treasurer’s report

Cash on hand

October Checking Balance – $54,938.37

September PayPal Balance - $  1.120.83

Total assets -            $56,059.20

Regional Reports

NE – Regionals were held. Good participation. IMAC was represented at a full scale airshow in Culpepper, VA.

SE – Last 2 contests were held with good attendance at both. All set for Regionals in November. Several NC pilots are coming.

NC – No Report

NW – Regionals were held in September. BBQ was provided to the group. Looking forward to next year.

EU – No Report

SC – No Report

SW- Contest was held in Bakersfield. Regionals are coming in November. BBQ will be provided.

AP – No Report

LA – 

Activities have suffered some set backs.
Brazil just pushed back the nationals due to lack of competitors because of some domestic economic issues.
Hopefully they'll get back on track in january - february
Guatemala - El Salvador had a similar problem, yet they do not think this is going to last for too long.
By the way I see it, they will be up again soon.
On the good side, Mexico just held it's 1st nationals involving the 2 active regions: north and central
Activity seems to be steadily growing. 7 to 8 dates are already in the plans just for 4 states in central Mexico
Hopefully we will be creating a south region by next year
Argentina is finally working harmoniously together with the common goal to grow the sport.
Besides Chile having it's own active league, due to its vicinity with Argentina, is pretty involved in binational contests

The Del Norte Fly Fest is around the corner.
The contestants we will be having are building the most impressive lineup seen in the region.
I have been doing big time elbow grease on the details for judging since we will be enforcing IMAC criteria by the book.
We will include a second line of judges to make sure the wow factor isn't pushed aside.
Today by the afternoon I'll be having the first meeting with the Spanish speaking judges to make sure we all are on the same line.
Right now I'm kinda swamped with it.