- Details
- Written by: Doug Pilcher (Admin)
- Category: Regional News - Asia Pacific
Hello Everyone,
As you can probably see we've migrated to a new website. We hope that this website will provide a relevant and informative source of information for both existing IMAC pilots and those who are interested in joining IMAC.
Some functionality may be missing or not work the same way as you have expected in the past - and yes - there will most likely be bugs. I hope you already find it useful but we will do our best to build on the site to improve it going forward.
Your old username and password should work just fine, if not, please try a password reset before contacting us.
If you are still struggling to log in, please contact us via the regional director contact link (Select Region->Your Region and then click on the "Contact Your Regional Director" link on the left).
If you see any issues with the website or want to open a support ticket, then once you are logged in, you can access the ticket system via Home->Create Ticket. By all means, please let us know if you see something wrong and we'll do our best to get it fixed quickly.
There is still lots to do, and we'll be making many changes particularly between now and the new year. So please bear with us and keep in mind that this site is created and run by volunteers.
One last note, if you subscribed in the last few weeks then your subscription might not have been migrated yet. Rest assured it will be done asap.
Wishing everyone the best for the upcoming holiday season and looking forward to next year.
Dan Carroll - IMAC Webmaster.