Welcome to the 2025 season!

Our schedule has shaped up nicely. We have 12 contests scheduled starting on March 22nd in Houston at the Jetero club. We will finish the season at a new venue, Chisolm Trail RC Squadron in Duncan, OK. I was trying to find a location that is a central location so more people can plan on making the final event of the year. 

As I get contest information, I will add them to the events page so we can get signed up. Make sure when you are practicing that you also practice the ALTERNATE sequence. The contest at the Flying H Aviators in May, will be an Alternate sequence contest.

I would like to welcome Chris Brown as our Missouri ARD and Jason Watts as our Mississippi ARD. Please give these gentlemen a welcome as they help to expand our IMAC reach into more areas of the region.


This is the Online Judging school Facebook group. I am hoping to do some refreshers at contests to answer any questions that may not get answered. Join this group and comment to have the link to the online sessions sent to you.

Hope to see you at a contest soon!

Mark Thurman
South Central Regional Director