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- Written by: Mark Thurman
- Category: Regional News - South Central
Welcome to the 2025 season!
Our schedule has shaped up nicely. We have 12 contests scheduled starting on March 22nd in Houston at the Jetero club. We will finish the season at a new venue, Chisolm Trail RC Squadron in Duncan, OK. I was trying to find a location that is a central location so more people can plan on making the final event of the year.
As I get contest information, I will add them to the events page so we can get signed up. Make sure when you are practicing that you also practice the ALTERNATE sequence. The contest at the Flying H Aviators in May, will be an Alternate sequence contest.
I would like to welcome Chris Brown as our Missouri ARD and Jason Watts as our Mississippi ARD. Please give these gentlemen a welcome as they help to expand our IMAC reach into more areas of the region.
This is the Online Judging school Facebook group. I am hoping to do some refreshers at contests to answer any questions that may not get answered. Join this group and comment to have the link to the online sessions sent to you.
Hope to see you at a contest soon!
Mark Thurman
South Central Regional Director
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- Written by: Alex Dreiling
- Category: Regional News - South Central
Click HERE to view the FINAL scores from the 2024 National Championship!
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- Written by: Tim Hughes
- Category: Regional News - South Central
As 2024 gets started the schedule has come together well. ARD Dan Powell works very hard every year to try to get it put together quickly and to meet everyone’s needs. He has posted the tentative schedule on FB. As the CDs start sending the information in I will be able to start getting the posted to the IMAC SC events.
There will be a few changes coming this year. The first one is the fees for contest we would like to have all them be $50 for the entire South Central Region. I am not going to force a club to charge that amount if they choose to charge less. However, feedback has been that some clubs are just barely getting any funds out of it and others are actually ending up paying money out of the club funds to host our contests. As a region I think we can all agree, we certainly want everyone to benefit from our contests.
Another new item is a push for freestyle competitors. The folks at Extreme Flight have graciously offered to provide a 100cc airframe to each region in the U.S. at a huge discount. The board approved the budget to cover it so it doesn't impact our regional budget. South Central will receive one 100cc airframe which will be raffled off at the end of the year. I am not sure which airframe, and may not know for a few months, once I know I will let everyone know. To be eligible for the raffle you will have to compete in a freestyle competition at one of the events in our region. Only South Central members will be eligible for the South Central Airframe, you must be in good standing (up to date membership) during the contest and at the Regional Finals to win. For each contest in our region, each freestyle competitor will receive one raffle ticket, the winner of freestyle for each contest will receive two raffle tickets. I hope that makes sense. If you fly freestyle at each event, you will have a bunch of tickets. At IRPS the drawing will take place for the winner of the airframe. Dust of your freestyle planes and get after it.
Last item for now is judging school. Adi will be hosting an online judging school this weekend, if you can attend that it would be great. The details can be found on FB page Online Judging School (OJS). Please do your best to attend that one or another one offered online. If that isn’t possible it is very important to at least watch the series for judging posted on the IMAC site. 2024 is a rules change year, so in 2025 we will have to have an in person judging school. If you have any questions after reviewing the rules or attending an online course, feel free to reach out to me and we can go over it. Our ARDs are happy to be available as well.
The really last item. When you get a chance welcome Jason Watts as our new ARD for Mississipi.
See you all soon,
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- Written by: Tim
- Category: Regional News - South Central
Wings Over Abilene IMAC Challenge 2023
Overall, there were 10 pilots flying in the Wings Over Abilene IMAC Challenge 2023 contest. In no particular order they were: brad Ahlfinger, Conrad Nerdahl, Daniel Christopher Powell, Garrett Rathburn, Garrett Westenburg, Ivan Via, Nichalas Masullo, Tony Stewart, Travis Taylor and Tyler Mille. These pilots flew a grand total of 140 judged sequences.
Travis Taylor won the Basic class. There were 3 pilots in Basic. The winning order was: (1) Travis Taylor, (2) Ivan Via and (3) Nichalas Masullo. They flew 6 known sequences (3 rounds) and 1 unknown round. The scores ranged from a low of 578.3 to a high of 1,000 (a range of 421.7 points).
brad Ahlfinger won the Sportsman class. There were 4 pilots in Sportsman. The winning order was: (1) brad Ahlfinger, (2) Conrad Nerdahl, (3) Tony Stewart and (4) Tyler Mille. They flew 6 known sequences (3 rounds) and 1 unknown round. The scores ranged from a low of 892.8 to a high of 1,000 (a range of 107.2 points).
Garrett Westenburg won the Intermediate class. There was 1 pilot in Intermediate. The winning order was: (1) Garrett Westenburg. He flew 6 known sequences (3 rounds) and 1 unknown round.
Daniel Christopher Powell won the Advanced class. There were 2 pilots in Advanced. The winning order was: (1) Daniel Christopher Powell and (2) Garrett Rathburn. They flew 6 known sequences (3 rounds) and 1 unknown round. The scores ranged from a low of 986.4 to a high of 1,000 (a range of 13.6 points).
brad Ahlfinger won the Seniors class. There were 3 pilots in Seniors. The winning order was: (1) brad Ahlfinger, (2) Conrad Nerdahl and (3) Tony Stewart. They flew 6 known sequences (3 rounds) and 1 unknown round. The scores ranged from a low of 940.8 to a high of 1,000 (a range of 59.2 points).
The tightest competition was for 1st place in the Advanced class, with only 13.6 points difference between Daniel Christopher Powell and Garrett Rathburn.
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- Written by: Tim Hughes
- Category: Regional News - South Central
Overall, there were 7 pilots flying in the Salina 6th Annual Warm up contest. In no particular order they were: , Chris Brown, Chris Shockley, Daniel Powell, Rudy Voldrich, Tony Stewart and Vince Bortone. These pilots flew a grand total of 108 judged sequences.
Chris Brown won the Sportsman class. There were 2 pilots in Sportsman. The winning order was: (1) Chris Brown and (2) Tony Stewart. They flew 8 known sequences (4 rounds) and 1 unknown round. The scores ranged from a low of 4,870.8 to a high of 7,500 (a range of 2,629.2 points).
Vince Bortone won the Intermediate class. There was 1 pilot in Intermediate. The winning order was: (1) Vince Bortone. He flew 8 known sequences (4 rounds) and 1 unknown round.
Daniel Powell won the Advanced class. There were 2 pilots in Advanced. The winning order was: (1) Daniel Powell and (2) Rudy Voldrich. They flew 8 known sequences (4 rounds) and 1 unknown round. The scores ranged from a low of 6,998.5 to a high of 7,354.5 (a range of 355.9 points).
Chris Shockley won the Unlimited class. There was 1 pilot in Unlimited. The winning order was: (1) Chris Shockley. He flew 8 known sequences (4 rounds) and 1 unknown round.
Vince Bortone won the Seniors class. There were 3 pilots in Seniors. The winning order was: (1) Vince Bortone, (2) Rudy Voldrich and (3) Tony Stewart. They flew 8 known sequences (4 rounds) and 1 unknown round. The scores ranged from a low of 682.062 to a high of 1,000.000 (a range of 317.938 points).
The tightest competition was for 1st place in the Advanced class, with only 355.947 points difference between Daniel Powell and Rudy Voldrich.