Present: Mike Karnes, Phil Vance, Samantha McKinney, Adi Kochav, Brad Davy, Alex Dreiling, Ray Morton, Rich Whitlow, and Clark Hymas

Absent:  Doug Pilcher and Primo Rivera

Meeting began 9:00 p.m. EST

Toledo Show, WRAM, and Joe Nall Update – Mike Karnes

Matt Komar from the Membership and Marketing Committee has volunteered to setup a booth at Toledo.  Rob Willis and Aaron Schrader from the NC region will also be working the booth.  It will be a basic booth and will be able to setup a tv and and screen.  Rich has sent them pictures and the Worlds movie.  Mike has ordered a new banner for the booth.  They are doing this for next to nothing.  Everyone that is coming in will wok a day and then go back home.

Brad has been asked about the WRAM show.  Nobody had spoke with Brad until late January.  He has asked them for the next year to approach the BOD in early September for we can plan and budget for it.

W currently don’t have anyone setup to have a booth at Joe Nall.  Joe Nall is the first part of May, which is normally on Mother’s Day weekend.

BOD to Receive CC of Registration/Renewals – Rich Whitlow

Rich wants to be able to contact new members and keep them on his email.  Rich would like to receive a notification when new members register in his region.  He wants to personally send them a note, welcoming them to the region.  Phil can send emails to the RDs for new memberships in their region.  Mike informed the RDs that they also have access to the membership to be able to check for new members in just their region.  With this, the new member must also have their profile completed.

Hats to Sell at Events – Mike Karnes

Mike has been talking to some guys about selling hats at events.  Currently, there has been no response from the RDs.  The SC has already been selling the hats.  They are embroidered and have been selling for $20.  Mike would like to have some available for purchase at the Toledo Show.  If the RDs want to sell, he can send them a dozen at a time.  We wouldn’t be able to send them to Adi due to customs.  Mike will send Adi the artwork and he can find someone local to make the hats.  Mike has suggested that we order 7-8 dozen to begin with.

Mass Registration in the International Region – Adi Kochav

Adi has discussed this with the BOD before.  Adi would like to get approval from the BOD to lower the price of the membership permanently when it comes to mass registration.  When the International Region was first created two years ago, it was established from countries with their own flying clubs and sanctioning body.  This region is now making it mandatory that each pilot be an IMAC member to fly in their own IMAC contests.  It is a choice, and they are not under the AMA rules.  The International Region wants all countries to make it mandatory to register all their pilots.

There are currently 120 IMAC members in the International Region and Adi knows them all personally.  Currently, each club has their own budget.  Then, each club would pass a by-law to send a fixed amount for each IMAC member to the IMAC organization.  The budget would start from January 30.  The mandatory membership has been started in Italy, which registered 44 members.

Adi wants to experiment with the mass registration for 2 years.  Adi will use the excel spreadsheet to log all the information to Phil and he would send the registration fees through PayPal.

Adi has suggested a mass registration fee of $20, but would be based on the percentage of pilots that flew the past year in IMAC contests.  If the pilot registers outside of the mass registration, the cost of membership would be $30.

A motion was made by the BOD forum, which states: “That the International Membership will be $20 during ‘Mass Registration’ at the beginning of each year. Mass Registration will be defined by each country.  90% of that country that flew in an IMAC contest the past year would have to register to qualify and this registration would have to be done by January 31st of that year.  The International RD would have to supply a list of the names and email addresses of the new (and renewed) members.  In return, the countries must require membership to fly an IMAC contest.  Outside the Mass registration, the fee will be $30.  For Year 2019, the Mass Registration will be extended to June 30, 2019.” This motion was made by Rich Whitlow and seconded by Alex Dreiling.  By roll-call vote, motion passed unanimously.

2019 Scale Aerobatic Nationals – Doug Pilcher

Tabled till next month.

By-Law Change – Brad Davy

The communication plan has been sent for the 2019 annual meeting.  The first notification will be sent April 1st, announcing to all the membership that an annual meeting is being called.  On May 1st, the second announcement will post the agenda for the annual meeting.  On June 1, a special forum will be opened.  Mike will call the meeting to order and post the proposed amendments to the By-Laws.  The polls will close on June 12.  The results will be announced and the meeting will be closed on June 14.  The vote must consist of 2/3 majority of the members.  Anyone who votes will be considered present at the meeting.  The 2/3 majority will be 2/3 of the voting participants.  This forum will be going into the “Member’s Only” forum.  Non-members can read what the proposed amendments, but they cannot comment or vote.  A motion is made to accept the communication plan for the 2019 Annual Meeting by Rich Whitlow and seconded by Phil Vance.  By roll-call vote, motion passed unanimously.

Novice Class Invitation – Doug Pilcher

Mike wanted to remind all the RDs to make sure the CDs get the invitations out for the Novice class to the local area clubs.  Rich just sent an email out to all SC members to promote the Novice class.

Score Class Online – Samantha McKinney

We will be hosting an online score class on Saturday, March 9, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. EST.  The class will be hosted by Mike, Doug, Samantha, and Rosie.  Mike mentioned that we might need to separate into two separate classes, with the new and veteran scorekeepers, if we have a high attendance.  The class will consist of how to download java, the score program, and what needs sent to RDs.

Treasurer’s Report – Phil Vance

Phil has sent the 2018 financials to the Executive BOD for approval before sending to the rest of the BOD.  All the money is in one account, the IMAC general operating account.  The total revenue for 2018 was $79,084.17 and the expenses were $86,038.67.  The current balance in the account at the end of 2018 was $36,928.72.  We have only been in the red three different years, 2009, 2016, and 2018.  The money for the Worlds came in three years, 2016-2018.  Rich is curious where the deficit is in the operating.  The difference is associated with the revenues for the Worlds were taken in through 2016-2018, but the expenses were mainly in 2018.  Phil will send Samantha the financials to be reviewed.

Phil has discussed with the BOD the 2018 IMAC World financial statement.  The revenues were $60,845.01, with expenses of $53,967.72.  The 2018 Worlds had a profit of $6,877.29, which includes the $1,000 expense for the brick to be purchased from AMA.

Phil is still having issues with PayPal with having the IMPACT software fee subtracted each month.

The balance in the IMAC general operating account is as following:

Checking              $28,848.31

PayPal                  $   7,832.83

Total                    $34,658.60

Regional Issues – All RDs

Alex had nothing to report in the SW region.

The SC region has their judging school coming up.

Brad reported that the NE region will be having a one day judging school.  He will also be hosting an online judging school.  He is thinking about Wednesday nights beginning in April at 7 p.m. EST.  For the experienced judges, Brad is thinking about trying a one-time online class that would focus on the changes of the rules and the trouble spots.  It would be more like a refresher course.

Ray reported that the NC judging school will be held April 27.  Louis Matusik will be available to help.  Mike has also asked Bill Teeter to come down and help.  All the contests are on the calendar except the regional finals.  It is still being coordinated with AMA.  AMA is currently working on the NATs.

The NW region is having their judging school next weekend and it looks to be well attended.  Due to the weather, they will be able to have the classroom portion, but possibly not the practical.  We are supposed to receive about 18 inches of snow.  The first contest is the first weekend in May.

Meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. EST.