Attendees: Mike Karnes, Charles Youngblood, Samantha McKinney, Phil Vance, Steve Sides, Doug Pilcher, Ron Graham, Rusty Fried, Brad Davy, and Michael Verzwyvelt

Meeting in session: 8:01 p.m. CST

Creating Dues Level - Mike Karnes

Mike suggested to the BOD about changing the dues level based on different due structures. The IMAC membership has decreased over the last few months, but possibly due to many different reasons. The reason the dues were increased was to make it easier on the 6 regions of IMAC, along with the IMAC organization. Mike and Brad have been in discussion over whether the due change would require a change in by-laws. If we change the by-laws to incorporate a new membership class, it requires a call of meeting for the entire membership. For example, if a “Friend of IMAC” rate is established, this would require a by-law change. When the BOD elected to raise the dues, it is stated in the by-laws that the BOD has the authority to do so with any structure. Phil mentioned that we aren’t losing international members; we are losing members from the 6 regions of the United States and Canada. Ron asked if we decreased dues, would IMAC regain the members that we have already lost.

The consensus of BOD is that it is reasonable to lower the dues for the international members since they do not participate in the IRPS points. IMAC is growing in different countries and participants substantially and a due increase might discourage them to join the IMAC organization. It was mentioned to establish a rate of $30 for international members. As of 2014, each region was budgeted $10 per member. The international members are not members of the 6 regions of the IMAC organization in the United States and Canada. Brad mentioned that no one would disagree about dues for international members being $30 since they don’t participate in the IRPS points. What could be considered in the by-law change is the definition of an international member.
Many questions were asked by many BOD members. Would the $30 encourage international members to join? What are they receiving different at the $30 rate? What if we included one or two international members for BOD representation?

With lowering the international dues to $30, we are only removing the fee of $10 to compete in the IRPS points. Questions were raised on how we would separate the dual status citizens and are the northern regions considered “international.” Currently, we do not have defined international regions. Canada is a part of our 6 regions. The feedback from the international participants is that it was unaffordable to join IMAC. The due change would be a compromise.
Article 5, Section 2 of the IMAC by-laws state: “The amount of dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors. All payment of dues shall be made to the Treasurer. To remain in good standing, a member shall have his dues paid current.” Brad proposes that since we are not defining a new membership class and international members do not reside in the 6 IMAC regions, their dues should be $30.

They retain the same membership and voting rights, but will not be included in IRPS points. Ron then asked what would be their motivation to join IMAC. When becoming an IMAC member, it gives them a voice in how the organization is ran and tangible assets, such as the unknowns. The international contest director also needs to know that the IMAC members should also receive a $20 discount on their contest entry fee.

Is the motion for membership dues of $30 for international members, members that do not reside in the United States or Canada? Brad corrected the motion as following: For members of IMAC outside of the 6 regions of the United States and Canada, the membership dues will be $30, due to a $10 reduction for not receiving IRPS points. Ron Graham seconds this motion. Motion carried unanimously.

This membership change will take effect as soon as it can be implemented on the website. Brad Davy volunteered to write-up an article for the IMAC website explaining the decrease in dues for the international members. It needs to be stressed that the decrease is due to the non-participation in IRPS points. When the write-up is completed, Brad will post it to the BOD forum for review. It was brought to the attention of the BOD about the renewals since the first of the year for international members. Phil mentioned that he could add 6 months of additional membership to their renewal.

Standardizing Posting of Scores  - Mike Karnes

A forum has been created on the IMAC website about how scores are posted at contests on Saturday. Mike asked how each region posted Saturday scores. Brad Davy said it was up to the contest director and many BOD members agreed. At Phil’s contest, scores are posted, except for the final sequence, whether it is the known or the unknown. The same is for the NE, SC, and SW. The NW posts all rounds on Saturday and scores will not be posted after the unknowns.
Rusty believes that some pilots are wanting their original score sheets back after the contest. Some regions make copies of the originals for themselves, and then give the pilots the originals. The NW and NE wants the CD to hold onto the originals until the RD approves and the scores are posted on the website. Charles made the point that if the original score sheets are handed out, what would happen if an error was found. There wouldn’t be a way to confirm the raw scores.

Mike asked that all the RD to get on the same page on what they recommended on posting scores.

Rusty had a question on whether unapproved IMAC contests can be posted. For RPS points, the contest must be approved by the RD. A registered event gets posted on the IMAC website. If they claim it was approved, the CD should be able to submit documentation of it being registered through IMAC.

Website - Mike Karnes

Mike sent an email to the BOD about where Roy stands now and what he needs and his suggestions for the website. The main area that needs focused on is “Why join IMAC?” BOD agreed that we need to show the benefits of IMAC to new pilots. Roy would also like an updated history of IMAC. Roy suggested Tom Wheeler and Mike mentioned Wayne Matthews. It was mentioned that we might also include the future goals of the IMAC organization and the benefits for an IMAC member.

Ron mentioned having professionals help us write articles for the IMAC website, such as media promotions. Roy doesn’t want to write everything for us. He has areas on the new website for this information. Information needs to be from an IMAC member.

Brad Davy has volunteered to write an updated IMAC history, but he doesn’t have the original content. Mike is going to ask Wayne or Tom for history from 2004 to present. Brad will also write a short article on joining IMAC and its advantages of being a member.

Roy is suggesting a web store to sell IMAC items, such as rule books. Someone must be able to provide a central location for all merchandise, keep inventory, and be able to ship items. Doug Pilcher has volunteered his business to proceed with the web store. Another suggestion is moving the “downloads” to one area to make them easier to find.

The BOD will have the opportunity to review the new website for approval. The old website will be available for a year. Roy won’t be able to move all the old forums over to the new website, but will archive them. A question was raised about restricting information access to non-members. The consensus of the BOD was that if we are trying to promote IMAC, we don’t need to restrict access to non-members.

The new website will give the RDs the ability to post their own scores along with 10 pictures. It was brought to the attention of the BOD too, that not all RDs have the same access on the IMAC website.

A question was raised if we have anyone that is soliciting advertisers for the website. Wayne has been doing some for about 4 years. Doug has talked with Wayne about advertising. Doug needs to know pricing, prior advertisers, types of ads we are selling, etc. to be able to talk to potential advertisers. Doug asked about the “hit” count on the website. Roy will be able to provide Doug with this information. Doug has volunteered to contact potential advertisers.

NATS - Mike Karnes

Another low signup, we are currently at 30. There are a few things still up in the air. Phil may not be able to attend. As of now, Samantha is taking Rhonda’s place scoring. Terry is coming and Randy has opted to fly. Frank Ford is comfortable with running both lines. Phil informed everyone that the banquet has been taken care of.

Financials - Phil Vance

No financials presented at this time.

Regional Directors’ Reports

Brad Davy made a suggestion to helping the CDs to make sure the participants at IMAC contests are IMAC members. Brad was wondering if the RDs could email the registration list to the CDs with the expiration date of the IMAC participant listing before the contests.

Mike informed the BOD that we have not received an official application to host the World Championships. We are 3 years away. It has been suggested that
we hold it back at Muncie. Mike had been told that the Canadians were interested, but when he talked with the Canadian officials, they had no clue what he was talking about. It was mentioned to post deadlines in the forums on the application to host the Worlds. Wayne may need to send out some emails to his international contacts. Wayne is currently only able to work by email. Charles believes that we will see a spike in membership when the Worlds get closer.

Mike said that we have almost acquired everything for a 35% airplane to be raffled on like IMAC did back in 2009. The BOD needs to decide how we are going to put this out and how to drive the membership back up. It will be a raffle for all those that join and will go for a year. Everything is donated. Steve Stanton will let Mike know when everything comes together.

Meeting adjourned at 10:27 p.m. CST.