Present:  Mike Karnes, Doug Pilcher, Phil Vance, Samantha McKinney, Primo Rivera, Toby Silhavy, Alex Dreiling, Brad Davy, Adi Kochav, Rich Whitlow, and Clark Hymas

Meeting began 9:03 pm. EST.

Amendments to By-Laws – Brad Davy

There are two amendments that need to be made in the By-Laws to proceed with the split of the International region.  Brad suggested that we revise the eligibility of the current IMAC organization from any AMA or AMA recognized organization in good standing to any person who wishes to further the purpose of the organization.  We also need to add affiliations per BOD may establish standards for non-voting affiliate countries that wish to maintain their independent organizations for IMAC contest using IMAC standards.  There needs to be a discussion opened in the forums to discuss this By-Law change.

IMAC Affiliations – Adi Kochav

The BOD has been in discussion for a while to split the International region into three different regions: Latin America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.  There needs to be a global standard that the entire IMAC organization adheres to.

There will be two choices for each country to choose from.  They can choose to pay an affiliation fee and they wouldn’t need to register their members.  The second choice is mandatory registration.

Currently, the standardization is already in the rules.  Mike stated that the IMAC website has not used fully by the International region.  They don’t register their contests and there are no contest descriptions.  Adi would like to have all the International countries the same as the domestic regions.  Adi has already spoken to all the representatives of the countries and have informed them that they must abide by the guidelines in order to be in IMAC.  They will start using the website, the regional points system, etc.

The question was asked about the penalty to the countries that do not adhere to the IMAC standards and guidelines.  Brad suggested a warning for the first time.  If it occurs again, the entire country could be removed from the organization.  The International countries must list their contests on the website.  Each contest must have a flyer, with details, location, etc. to inform the potential pilots.  Rich told Adi that he does not approve a contest without all this information.  IMAC has Contest Standards and Guidelines already in place for all regions.

Doug informed the BOD that we will run into the same problem that we ran into in the beginning with the International, getting the webmaster to incorporate International with the IRPS system on the website.  The webmaster will split the International region into three separate regions for the regional pages.  Mike and Doug will approach our webmaster and inform him that the BOD has split the International region into three separate regions and that all regions, domestic and foreign, all need the same access to everything, including IRPS.

Discussion of International Split – Adi Kochav and Brad Davy

Adi has posted a current map of the proposed split of the International region into three separate regions:  Latin America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.  This map is in the BOD forum for review.

Adi informed the BOD of the membership numbers that each region would bring to the organization.  One of the concerns was the European region being so big that the guys won’t feel a part of the region.

Australia will be having a regional contest in November.  It is listed in their brochure that you must have an IMAC membership to participate.

The By-Laws allow the BOD to define the regions.  If we want to split the regions, we have the authority to do it per the By-Laws.  We need to make a plan that specifically defines the region split, the Interim RDs, etc.  After all of this put into motion, we can have a special election that will establish the RD.  Adi has already spoken to the potential Interim RD’s.

FAI has stopped the activity of F3M.  IMAC is the sole scale aerobatic discipline in the world.

A motion was made to split current International region into three separate regions:  Europe, Latin America and Asia-Pacific, by Adi Kochav and seconded by Alex Dreiling.  Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Phil Vance

The current balance in the General Operating account as of tonight is:

Checking          $14,035.80

PayPal              $18,607.38

Total                  $32,643.18

We have not received our funds from the 2019 NATs.  Phil asked Mike and Doug for the split of the shipping costs between the IMAC Swag Store and mailing of the membership cards.  They will get with Phil and get him those numbers.

Regional Issues – All RDs

The NW region just had a contest last weekend.  Three Canadians came down to the contest.  Clark reported that the Canadian contests have shut down due to weather. Regionals is the weekend after Labor Day.  The region has not had many basic pilots and the pilot count is down for the year.

The SW region is currently down right now due to the summer heat.  There was a contest in California, but there was a low turnout due to the heat.

Rich reported that the SC region has a contest in Abilene coming up.  Several will be at Clover Creek next weekend for the invitational.  Regionals are the first weekend of November.  There is a good buzz and good pilot count at contests.  Many of the basic pilots are looking to move up.  There have been a couple of successes with the Novice class.  Out of the 4 pilots, three of them asked to be moved into the Basic class to complete for the remainder of the contest.

Rich asked the BOD if we could take an IMAC flag to Clover Creek and Tucson for the invitationals, along with providing swag for their give-aways/raffles.  Rich is receiving a lot of responses on the articles.  He reminded the BOD to get their articles turned in as soon as they can.

The NC region is doing good.  In the month of August, there has been a contest every weekend.  We are starting to attract the Canadians back to our contests.  Next year, the regionals will be held in Saranac, Michigan for the Canadians don’t have as far to travel.  Currently, all scores are up-to-date and things are going well.

The NE region has one more contest, which is the regional finals at the end of September.  Brad is working on putting new contests on the calendar for 2020.  He is tossing around the idea of moving regionals around his region each year.

The SE region is doing good.  The 11th contest of the season is next weekend.  There have been some good turnouts at some of the contests.  The weather has been a problem.  At some events, the pilots are speaking with judges after each flight, just to slow things done.  This approach has been very welcomed by the lower classes.  This is done possibly for the first two rounds.

Meeting adjourned 10:34 p.m. EST.