Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes

Monday May 16th, 2022

Attendees: Doug Pilcher, Alex Dreiling, Jim McCall, Rick Crow, Jacques Telles, Adi Kochav,

Brian Webb, Primo Rivera, Toby Silhavy, Michael Hobson. Oliver Soto, Amanda Darling,Dave Dupre

Absent: Manrico Mincuzzi,

1. 2023 IJS – Primo inquired about if we should do a in person or virtual IJS. 2021 was successful as a virtual but we would like to do a in person for 2023. Adi proposed that we do it in South Carolina (Hilton Head or Savannah). A Motion was approved to allow Primo to investigate where to have an in person IJS in 2023.

2. 2024 Worlds – We will be unable to hold the worlds in 2024. No proposal has been put forward as of this time for 2024. A motion was approved to reexamine the worlds for 2026, with Israel as a possibility.

3. 2022 Nats - Amanda Darling we have 15 pilots on the IMAC site for the NATS- everything is progressing well. We have a new sponsor for the NATS RMJ Machine worx as well as AJ models. Happy State Bank has donated $750 for our banquet dinner. Looks like it will be a great year!!!!

4. Website – There was discussion around the website and how we can get improvements, Dave Dupre has offered to reverse engineer the scoring code to allow us to move to a more flexible platform. The code will be made available to Dave to work through this issue, and he hopes to have it completed by November in time for next season. We will ensure that all present methods of automatic scoring will be compatible with the solution Dave comes up with.

5. General Discussion –

a. We discussed the issue of scoring if a judge misses a maneuver with example given of 3 or more judges. This would begin with entry into Score! program. Do we average scores, or do we use another judge’s score? When we have 3 judges should we average or take another judge’s score? Motion was made to in the case we have 3 or more judges to take the unobserved score and average the scores of the other 2 judges e.g., a 5 and a 5.5 would be rounded up to a 5.5 for the 3rd score.

b. Several folks in Australia are expressing an interest in joining the sequence committee. Michael will reach out to Alex and Ty Lyman to offer assistance.

6. Treasurer’s report

Cash on hand

May Checking Balance – $31418.98

May PayPal Balance - $24782.94

Total assets - $56201.92

7. Regional Reports

NE – State College event was cancelled due to lack of pilots. The rest of the schedule is filling up fast.

SE – 5 contests done so far this year 12-18 pilots at each so far with 2 more possibly being added.

NC –First contest of the year will be the Mike Karnes event in Muncie. A lot of excitement for the season.

NW – Had our first 2 contests of the year. Will need to find a new RD for next year as Brian is moving to the SW. Had to reschedule the first contest in Canada due to inclement weather.

EU – N/A

SC – 2 contests have been cancelled due to weather so far, 13 contests have been scheduled.

SW- For the first half of the year we have seen a drop in the number of pilots due to the economy.

AP – Going well with many contests scheduled. Registration of pilots went well for membership in IMAC. Season progressing normally.

LA – Not much news to report but everyone is excited to get going for the year. Economy is keeping things down at this time. Covid and the economy are restricting participation.