- Details
- Written by: Doug Pilcher
- Category: Club Business
Present: Mike Karnes, Doug Pilcher, Phil Vance, Samantha McKinney, Primo Rivera, Rich Whitlow, Brad Davy, Adi Kochav, Ray Morton, and Clark Hymas
Absent: Alex Dreiling
Meeting began 9:01 p.m. EST.
Online Store – Mike Karnes
Doug and Mike have talked about doing an online store. Mike has found a webstore that would possibly work. They only charge $2 a month for PayPal. Mike is going to start gathering some items to sell.
The online store is stuff that we can sell. The site does not produce it. We could sell items for different regions. This would strictly be our store. Mike has been working with the website and showed the different items he has designed to the BOD.
2019 Scale Aerobatic Nats/Sponsorships and Bling at Nats – Doug Pilcher
The format for the Nats is changing this year. It will be an 80/20 split. Doug is working on some sponsors for the Nats. He has reached out to a few potential sponsors and is waiting to hear back. He is looking for either a monetary donation or product for the event. Doug has reached out to his 2018 team. The ones coming back are Phil, Samantha, Rosie, Alan, and Rich. Leasha Bull will also be coming to do the social media. We will be doing some live feeds just like the Worlds. We will also have live scoring.
Rosie will be working on the mugs to sell at the Nats. If we come up with sponsors, we would like to design a logo with the sponsor name for the cups as well. Rich also suggested that we could design some items with the “#I AM IMAC” on them.
Hats – Mike Karnes
The hats were delivered today. It has the IMAC logo on the front, with the “# I AM IMAC” on the back. Mike ordered 10 dozen to sell. They are gray with a blue bill. Ray, Rich, and Primo would like some hats to sell. There will be 3 dozen hats available to purchase at the Toledo Show.
10% Excel File – Adi Kochav
Adi has been working on the 10% rule for the measurements of the plane and has sent to Mike. He has done several modifications on the program and the equation. Rule 6.5 doesn’t write about the scale length; it writes about the scale width. Adi tried to simply the scale rule. He tried to collect every aerobatic plane that we have on the market and find the scale width. If there is a plane that isn’t listed, he asks that the measurements are sent with the fuselage length without the spinner. Some manufacturers are above and below the 10% rule.
Online Score Class Revisited – Samantha McKinney
The online score class was held on March 9. We had 14 participants, with 4 veteran scorekeepers. We only had half the attendance from who registered. We covered everything from downloading java to run the score program, to downloading and uncompressing the score file, to running score, and printing reports.
The class went exceptionally well and had very good questions. Samantha wanted to inform the RDs that if they could send the CDs the “Pilots” export for score for the pre-registration of pilots on the website, that it would save the scorekeepers a great deal of time. She also wanted to make sure that the RDs stress that the original score sheets not be handed out at the contests.
Treasurer’s Report – Phil Vance
As of tonight, the IMAC general IMAC account balance is as follows:
Checking $24,128.58
PayPal $10,422.94
Total $34,551.52
The IMPACT software is now being paid through the checking account.
Phil reported that we are having some issues with some International pilots that are not listed on the membership. Our webmaster said that if these members did not reply to the authentication email that the website sent out, it flushed those accounts out. We currently have 17 members that we are having issue with.
A question was asked if a new member who is joining at a contest will received the $20 introductory membership fee. The only way they would receive the $20 membership is only if the RD approves the CD to offer this at the contest.
Regional issues – All RDs
Brad has received some feedback from the CDs on the $20 “shall” discount. A few of them have been upset. Brad is going to go back to his CDs and make sure to remind them of the $20 discount. A minor issue was if the $20 discount is in Canadian or U.S. monies. Brad will also be in the SC helping Dan out with the judging at the SC Odessa contest.
Primo reported that the SE has started out strong. They have already had two contests. There were 40 pilots at the Ocala contest. There were some from the Canada that attended. The contest had 6 basic pilots. One of Primo’s concerns was the low attendance at the judging schools. There are also having problems finding judges for the contests.
Rich reported that he has had a small issue with the CDs on the $20 discount. Their first contest is next weekend. They also had low attendance at the judging school, but it was due to the snow and ice.
Ray reported that the NC region is working on the Toledo Show. It is a little less than a month away. We have about 15 volunteers who will be in the IMAC booth volunteering. There is a lot of things on the schedule at the IMAC booth. There will be flyers for the upcoming contests and marketing merchandise. Kurt Koelling is hosting a symposium, along with Ray and Toby Silhavy. Ray has had a request for hats from Canada. The weather is getting ready to break, but our first contest isn’t until May.
Adi asked if we would contact Toby Silhavy to see if he would be interested in selling his stick planes and scoring wheels and sticks on the webstore.
Meeting adjourned at 10:21 p.m. EST.
- Details
- Written by: Doug Pilcher
- Category: Club Business
Present: Mike Karnes, Phil Vance, Samantha McKinney, Adi Kochav, Brad Davy, Alex Dreiling, Ray Morton, Rich Whitlow, and Clark Hymas
Absent: Doug Pilcher and Primo Rivera
Meeting began 9:00 p.m. EST
Toledo Show, WRAM, and Joe Nall Update – Mike Karnes
Matt Komar from the Membership and Marketing Committee has volunteered to setup a booth at Toledo. Rob Willis and Aaron Schrader from the NC region will also be working the booth. It will be a basic booth and will be able to setup a tv and and screen. Rich has sent them pictures and the Worlds movie. Mike has ordered a new banner for the booth. They are doing this for next to nothing. Everyone that is coming in will wok a day and then go back home.
Brad has been asked about the WRAM show. Nobody had spoke with Brad until late January. He has asked them for the next year to approach the BOD in early September for we can plan and budget for it.
W currently don’t have anyone setup to have a booth at Joe Nall. Joe Nall is the first part of May, which is normally on Mother’s Day weekend.
BOD to Receive CC of Registration/Renewals – Rich Whitlow
Rich wants to be able to contact new members and keep them on his email. Rich would like to receive a notification when new members register in his region. He wants to personally send them a note, welcoming them to the region. Phil can send emails to the RDs for new memberships in their region. Mike informed the RDs that they also have access to the membership to be able to check for new members in just their region. With this, the new member must also have their profile completed.
Hats to Sell at Events – Mike Karnes
Mike has been talking to some guys about selling hats at events. Currently, there has been no response from the RDs. The SC has already been selling the hats. They are embroidered and have been selling for $20. Mike would like to have some available for purchase at the Toledo Show. If the RDs want to sell, he can send them a dozen at a time. We wouldn’t be able to send them to Adi due to customs. Mike will send Adi the artwork and he can find someone local to make the hats. Mike has suggested that we order 7-8 dozen to begin with.
Mass Registration in the International Region – Adi Kochav
Adi has discussed this with the BOD before. Adi would like to get approval from the BOD to lower the price of the membership permanently when it comes to mass registration. When the International Region was first created two years ago, it was established from countries with their own flying clubs and sanctioning body. This region is now making it mandatory that each pilot be an IMAC member to fly in their own IMAC contests. It is a choice, and they are not under the AMA rules. The International Region wants all countries to make it mandatory to register all their pilots.
There are currently 120 IMAC members in the International Region and Adi knows them all personally. Currently, each club has their own budget. Then, each club would pass a by-law to send a fixed amount for each IMAC member to the IMAC organization. The budget would start from January 30. The mandatory membership has been started in Italy, which registered 44 members.
Adi wants to experiment with the mass registration for 2 years. Adi will use the excel spreadsheet to log all the information to Phil and he would send the registration fees through PayPal.
Adi has suggested a mass registration fee of $20, but would be based on the percentage of pilots that flew the past year in IMAC contests. If the pilot registers outside of the mass registration, the cost of membership would be $30.
A motion was made by the BOD forum, which states: “That the International Membership will be $20 during ‘Mass Registration’ at the beginning of each year. Mass Registration will be defined by each country. 90% of that country that flew in an IMAC contest the past year would have to register to qualify and this registration would have to be done by January 31st of that year. The International RD would have to supply a list of the names and email addresses of the new (and renewed) members. In return, the countries must require membership to fly an IMAC contest. Outside the Mass registration, the fee will be $30. For Year 2019, the Mass Registration will be extended to June 30, 2019.” This motion was made by Rich Whitlow and seconded by Alex Dreiling. By roll-call vote, motion passed unanimously.
2019 Scale Aerobatic Nationals – Doug Pilcher
Tabled till next month.
By-Law Change – Brad Davy
The communication plan has been sent for the 2019 annual meeting. The first notification will be sent April 1st, announcing to all the membership that an annual meeting is being called. On May 1st, the second announcement will post the agenda for the annual meeting. On June 1, a special forum will be opened. Mike will call the meeting to order and post the proposed amendments to the By-Laws. The polls will close on June 12. The results will be announced and the meeting will be closed on June 14. The vote must consist of 2/3 majority of the members. Anyone who votes will be considered present at the meeting. The 2/3 majority will be 2/3 of the voting participants. This forum will be going into the “Member’s Only” forum. Non-members can read what the proposed amendments, but they cannot comment or vote. A motion is made to accept the communication plan for the 2019 Annual Meeting by Rich Whitlow and seconded by Phil Vance. By roll-call vote, motion passed unanimously.
Novice Class Invitation – Doug Pilcher
Mike wanted to remind all the RDs to make sure the CDs get the invitations out for the Novice class to the local area clubs. Rich just sent an email out to all SC members to promote the Novice class.
Score Class Online – Samantha McKinney
We will be hosting an online score class on Saturday, March 9, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. EST. The class will be hosted by Mike, Doug, Samantha, and Rosie. Mike mentioned that we might need to separate into two separate classes, with the new and veteran scorekeepers, if we have a high attendance. The class will consist of how to download java, the score program, and what needs sent to RDs.
Treasurer’s Report – Phil Vance
Phil has sent the 2018 financials to the Executive BOD for approval before sending to the rest of the BOD. All the money is in one account, the IMAC general operating account. The total revenue for 2018 was $79,084.17 and the expenses were $86,038.67. The current balance in the account at the end of 2018 was $36,928.72. We have only been in the red three different years, 2009, 2016, and 2018. The money for the Worlds came in three years, 2016-2018. Rich is curious where the deficit is in the operating. The difference is associated with the revenues for the Worlds were taken in through 2016-2018, but the expenses were mainly in 2018. Phil will send Samantha the financials to be reviewed.
Phil has discussed with the BOD the 2018 IMAC World financial statement. The revenues were $60,845.01, with expenses of $53,967.72. The 2018 Worlds had a profit of $6,877.29, which includes the $1,000 expense for the brick to be purchased from AMA.
Phil is still having issues with PayPal with having the IMPACT software fee subtracted each month.
The balance in the IMAC general operating account is as following:
Checking $28,848.31
PayPal $ 7,832.83
Total $34,658.60
Regional Issues – All RDs
Alex had nothing to report in the SW region.
The SC region has their judging school coming up.
Brad reported that the NE region will be having a one day judging school. He will also be hosting an online judging school. He is thinking about Wednesday nights beginning in April at 7 p.m. EST. For the experienced judges, Brad is thinking about trying a one-time online class that would focus on the changes of the rules and the trouble spots. It would be more like a refresher course.
Ray reported that the NC judging school will be held April 27. Louis Matusik will be available to help. Mike has also asked Bill Teeter to come down and help. All the contests are on the calendar except the regional finals. It is still being coordinated with AMA. AMA is currently working on the NATs.
The NW region is having their judging school next weekend and it looks to be well attended. Due to the weather, they will be able to have the classroom portion, but possibly not the practical. We are supposed to receive about 18 inches of snow. The first contest is the first weekend in May.
Meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. EST.
- Details
- Written by: Doug Pilcher
- Category: Club Business
Present: Mike Karnes, Doug Pilcher, Phil Vance, Samantha McKinney, Brad Davy, Alex Dreiling, Ray Morton, Rich Whitlow and Clark Hymas
Absent: Primo Rivera
Guest: Kevin Garland
Meeting began 9:00 p.m. EST.
Review of Meeting with IAC – Kevin Garland, Guest
Doug sent out the notes taken during the IAC meeting last Monday. Kevin thought the meeting went really well. A few of his ideas were discussed with the IAC and he felt that we got enough feedback to start on some of the ideas.
One of the biggest issues is to get our events posted to the IAC website. Only a member can post the events to the IAC page, which Kevin will be rejoining. Doug, Mike and Ales are members of the IAC. Kevin and Doug invited IAC to our International Judging School in Arizona. Kevin also mentioned to them about the aircrafts that are being worked on for training in the SW region.
An idea was mentioned of having joint membership in IMAC and IAC. Joint membership will be tough due to IAC being under EAA. They cannot offer rides to our members due to insurance. We can help them more for IMAC, but it will be a little more difficult for the IAC to help our members.
Rich will be doing a cross publication with IAC and our newsletter. IAC has a magazine and a digital version. Rich has received the information for their editor. We co do ads between the two publications. IMAC could also do some reporting on their big events. All of this depends on if they are restrictive with their print. Cross judging is a possibility. The IAC has more requirements for their judges, with amount of flights judged and amount of flights flown per year. It is a long drawn out process. Their judging is a little more difficult than IMAC. Our software that included a test at the end of each module is currently unavailable. Brad is working on another online judging school like he has held in the past.
The consensus of between the two organizations is that they are interested in the cross publication in the newsletters and to bringing our online judging school back. This is currently the goals set.
10% rule and Splitting the International Region – Adi Kochav
Adi informed the BOD that we need to get ahead of the issue on the 10% rule. This situation could arise at a contest where a pilot will appeal the 10% rule. The current IMAC rules state that the proof of scale is up to the pilot. He has had a question from a manufacturer. Adi believes that we should no longer leave this proof of scale up to the pilot, due to the ARF planes and the building kits. Adi made a recommendation that IMAC make a list of approved planes.
Adi has been researching plane specs and it is hard to find the actual specs online. He suggested that we show the pilots how to measure their planes. Currently, Rule 6.5 states the measurements come from the width and height from the fuselage and the wings. We take the 10% rule from the wingspan. Adi says we can get the wingspan and fuselage, but the height is almost impossible to get.
Adi has begun compiling a list of planes that fall under the 10% rule. Several European manufacturers fall under this rule except with the new Krill Laser. It is not within IMAC specifications. The rest are 3-5% off. The Carden is up to the 10% rule, along with JTec. Adi can measure the Extreme Flight planes. He suggests that we have a spreadsheet with all the specs.
Brad doesn’t believe that we can do this. We don’t have the manpower and the resources to undergo such an enormous task. A catalog of approved planes could be tedious and time consuming. Rich agree with Brad on not needing an inclusive listing of planes, but that a list of known acceptable or problematic planes should be made available to the membership. Adi says that may of the pilots do not know how to calculate the 10% rule and we need to provide them with a mathematical equation on how each pilot can make this calculation.
It come to the fact that they are within the 10% rule if you go by what they are claiming the full scale version. We accept that it is within 10% from the manufacturers. The scratch built planes would need to prove the 10% rule. Adi sees this becoming an issue at the next IMAC Worlds. Adi and Manrico has measured several planes and they are measuring at 15%. They are measuring the model wing and divided it by the real wing; then measure the model fuselage and divided it by the real fuselage. Brad state that the measurement Adi is talking about is on the wings, tail, and stabilizer. The rest is judging at 10ft away. Scale shall be determined by the wingspan. A change in wingspan will be a change in overall scale. Adi believes that we should enforce the rule and measure the airplanes.
One of the BOD members asked where this conversation has started. Brad said that it was started on Flying Giants, and it was a question on the AJ Laser. It was also share on Facebook. This isn’t just an issue in Europe; it is also an issue in the U.S. Adi said that the pilot needs to know what is acceptable and if they are flying a real IMAC scale plane.
Adi has been discussing with the BOD about splitting up the International Region. They are wanting to split this region into three different regions: Latin America ( South America countries), European (Europe Continent), and Asia-Pacific (Australia and Pacific countries). They will be requiring all pilots to be IMAC members. They have 43 members from Italy, which is almost every pilot. They signed up 36 pilots the other day. The regions are constantly growing. Argentina and Mexico will sign every pilot. By doing this, the International Region will have 200 pilots by the end of the year. Adi believes that splitting the region into three different regions, will give them even more members. With the split, there will also be a regional director for each region.
Adi has been discussing the splitting of the region with the BOD for quite some time. Brad recommended a proposal being brought to the BOD. The current BOD will appoint an RD until the next election. Within 60 days, members of that region can nominate a new regional director. Samantha had a question of if the regions would expect the regional funding that the current domestic regions receive and how we will manage this with the currency exchange rates. One of the ideas mentioned was that RD would spend the money and get reimbursed by Phil. Adi also believes that we should raise the International membership dues to $40. Adi will make a list and Brad brought up that we need to make a map of the boundaries.
Combo Pattern/IMAC Event – Rich Whitlow
Rich has been approached from District 6 to explore the possibilities of a dual Pattern/IMAC event. He knew that we would gain some exposure with the Pattern hobby, possibly have some cross members. The logistics are going to be very difficult to get in enough rounds for both events. Rich will sit down with this individual to see what it would take to do an event with each group. The first event won’t be until 2020. Right now, this is just in discussion. Pattern and IMAC will be doing a joint event in March.
Membership Profiles per Region – Mike Karnes
Mike has been sending out membership cards. He just emailed to the RDs members with incomplete profiles. Mike is asking the RDs to please take time to work on the list. We need the members’ addresses to be able to send them their membership cards. So far, Mike has sent over 400 card to the members.
By-Law Change and How to Create Annual Meet – Brad Davy
Brad posted the information on the By-Law change and the annual meeting, and no one has made any comments. Brad suggests that we set a date now for the annual meeting. We need to get the membership comfortable with how the meeting will be held. Mike suggests the beginning of June to hold the annual meeting. The announcement of the annual meeting will have to be posted on the IMAC front page on the website. Then, an email would need to be sent to all members on record to notify of the annual meeting of the By-Laws. This must be done 30 days in advance of the meeting. Samantha mentioned to post the annual meeting to the Regional pages to help remind members of the meeting. The created forum would open for discussion the first of June and would remain open until June 14th. Mike would call the meeting to order in the forum. Once the meeting is open, the first topic of discussion is about the amendment to the By-Laws, Article 10. Then, it is just a matter of discussion for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, we will close the forum to comments and initiate the online poll. This would give the membership the opportunity to vote for or against the amendments. The two forums would be separate: one for discussion and one for only the poll. The poll will strictly be a yes or no vote. By hosting the annual meeting online, we are providing all members, including the International Region, their right to vote. Right now, it requires a 2/3 vote of the members being present. This would be a 2/3 majority of the online vote.
For the additional changes, this would allow us to propose the amendment, have the membership discuss for 30 days, and then be voted on.
The Use of Electronic Scoring in IMAC – Ray Morton
Ray informed the BOD that he would be willing to try the electronic scoring systems that are currently used by other organizations. He has also received word from other CDs in the North Central region that they would be willing to try these systems. Ray asked for some guidance on which system to try. Ray informed the BOD that the pattern system will be used in the North Central region at his event. Brad said that to use caution with the Pattern system, due to the fact the pattern system is not incorporated within our score program. After the contest, all scores would have to be inputted into the IMAC scoring system manually. Ray believes that he will be able to use the import/export function. Doug also does not believe this to be the case.
Adi says that Italy has an electronic scoring system that works in Italy, called the Notaumatic. Dan Carroll is working on the integration that allows it to work with the score system that IMAC is using. It has been tested in several IMAC contests. Australia is going to do the first trial.
Doug informed the BOD that this discussion was held in a forum 6 months ago, which he reposted 11 days ago. Doug asked for a plan, which includes testing, funding, trials, etc. to be sent to him and he would present to the BOD. The only two replies were from Ray and Jeff Marsuchek. Doug hasn’t received a formal plan. Doug has spoke with Dan Carroll and Australia is going to do the trial run, but Dan is still not ready. We could have been a part of the beta testing, but Doug received no replies to pursue this, so he moved onto other projects. We are currently not ready and a plan is not in place to try and incorporate the Notaumatic or the Pattern system into our IMAC events.
Ray said that they are doing beta testing and we need to see if we can do the beta testing in parallel. Ray doesn’t think that it will be very difficult to incorporate into our current score system. Alex asked if anyone has spoken with Peter Vogel, who resides in California. The few BOD members that knew his system said it wouldn’t import into our score system. Mr. Vogel’s system uses at least 2 iPod units, which are currently being phased out. His system is around $1,000-2,000 for a contest setup. Mr. Vogel’s system also has so many different buttons and so many different inputs. Mike asked if Mr. Vogel would setup the IMAC score program in his unit.
Currently, the only system that will import is the Notaumatic. Adi says that the Notaumatic is more doable because of the break in sequence and other break penalties incorporated within the system. A Notaumatic system is 200 euros per unit. Each contest will need at least three units for each event. There is a $600 investment on hardware. Australia has bought 5 units and Italy has bought 5-6 units as well. France manufactures the Notaumatic. This guy also makes the score system for the Pattern system.
Mike would like to see a company manufacture these units, instead of an individual that could stop production or support at any time. What happens if we invest in these units and the individuals decides not to make them anymore? Mike used the IMAC app as an example. The individual that created this app decided he didn’t want to do it anymore. Mike would feel a little safer if a company produced these units, but it would be hard to get a company to produce only 20 units. We would also need a software solution that isn’t platform dependent. Our current system runs in multiple different environments that run Java. Brad suggests that we should have a two-button controller.
Ray is willing to volunteer to do any system for IMAC. He says there is a lot of enthusiasm in the NC region for an electronic scoring system. Ray believes that the sooner we get started the better. Mike asked Ray who would be available to write the unknowns into the program for testing. If we can borrow AMA’s unit, we need to see if we can try it at Mike’s contest in May. Ray said the system can be configured for an IMAC contest for the unknowns. With the International beta testing the systems, we will be able to get some feedback from them. They have been testing for 2 years and still are working on it. They are doing this independently.
M&M and the Toledo Trade Show – Doug Pilcher
Mike and Doug have been contacted by Matt Komar about going to the Toledo Show. Matt and some members of the M&M Committee are going as volunteers for the IMAC booth. They have received a free booth, along with 2 weekend vendor passes. One of the committee members will be doing all of the printing that is needed. Matt is asking the BOD to reimburse them for some fuel, parking, and extra badges. Matt has also asked if they can offer the $20 signup promotion that Primo has done. Doug told matt that he would be able to offer this as a one-time promotion. Matt also asked about stick planes and Doug told him to talk to Toby Silhavy. He will find out how much the planes would cost. They are asking for about 50 stick planes. The initial budget for the Toledo Show was $500 and the M&M committee is asking for some reimbursement of expenses. There is no cost for the booth. With the booth, it come with 1 table and 4 chairs. Right now, all members running the booth are volunteers.
Currently, there is a budget for the WRAM, Toledo, and Joe Nall of $1,500.
The BOD had initially agreed to not attend the Toledo Show. Phil believes that we don’t recoup what we put into the show. Rich believes that we should give them the money being requested. Ray has spoke with Rob Willis and the IMAC booth will be adjacent to one of the IMAC vendors. Basically, the booth will be covered at all times.
With one objection, the BOD agreed to reimburse for gas, parking and 5 extra badges. The BOD also agreed to offer a one-time membership promotion of $20.
Treasurer’s Report – Phil Vance
Phil has been having issues with PayPal. He had to write a letter to the IRS and have them mail back to PayPal , a 147 c form. It had to be faxed to PayPal and then they would reopen the account.
There is another issue with PayPal. The IMAC PayPal account was started back in 2004 by Steve Evans. It has been in Mr. Evan’s name ever since. The options we have are to change the name or close the account and start a new one. The only one who can close the account is Steve Evans. We won’t be able to transfer money with a new account. Phil has spoken with Melissa with PayPal and they are wanting to show IMAC as a business. One option that would help with this is to have the electronic debit of the IMPACT software to come out of the account. Melissa is going to work with the office and see what they can get done. With being incorporated, this should be easy.
A question arose that since IMAC is now incorporated, should we file income taxes for 2018.
Phil has sent the 2018 World financial statement out to the Executive Board today. The Worlds had done really well. Once the World financial report is approved, he will send out to the financial report for 2018.
The donation hasn’t been made to AMA for the 2018. Last year, we gave a $1,000 donation and bought a brick. A motion was made to purchase a brick by Samantha McKinney and seconded by Rich Whitlow. Motion passed unanimously. Phil will talk with AMA to purchase the brick.
The balance in the IMAC General Operating account as of today is:
Checking $30,432.17
PayPal $ 3,963.88
Total $34,396.05
Phil asked the RDs if they had received their regional reports. All regional accounts have been set back to actual per revised budget changes.
Regional Issues – All RDs
Ray has spoken with Bill Teeter. Canada Transport is potentially coming up with new rules starting June 1. These rules sound pretty restrictive and prohibitive. One mentions of a 400 ft ceiling limits.
Meeting adjourned 11:09 p.m. EST.
- Details
- Written by: Doug Pilcher
- Category: Club Business
Membership Dues $19,453.28
IMAC Regions $ 2,845.37
Bank Refunds $ 76.01
AMA NATS $ 1,724.50
Red Book Sales $ 565.00
Pilot/Mechanic/Helper/Team Man $27,615.00
Sponsorships $ 7,395.00
Auctions $ 3,970.00
Banquet Tickets $ 6,310.00
Donations $ 1,675.00
Merchandise Sales $ 7,330.01
Banner Ads $ 125.00
Total 2018 Income $79,084.17
Regional Expenses $ 8,928.51
AMA NATS $ 7,864.25
Awards $ 45.30
Bank Fees $ 41.01
GoToMeeting Account $ 295.00
Judging Guide Manuals (Red Books) $ 1,513.25
Membership Refunds $ 80.00
National Judging School $ 5,110.42
Office Expenses $ 2,487.52
Printing/Postage/Oper Exp $ 468.13
Regional Judging Schools $ 409.41
Shipping $ 21.20
Trade Shows $ 1,981.98
Software (Sequence Com) $ 99.99
Website Maintenance $ 3,852.00
Website (IMPACT/Training Link) $ 119.88
IMAC World Championships $52,720.82
Total 2018 Expenses $86,038.67
2018 Surplus/(Deficit) ($6,954.50)
Add: 2017 Retained Earnings $43,883.22
12/31/2018 Ending Balance $36,928.72
*These revenues and expenses were incurred in just 2018. The remainder of the IWC Revenues and Expenses were accounted for from 2015-2017.*
- Details
- Written by: Doug Pilcher
- Category: Club Business
Present: Mike Karnes, Gil Major, Phil Vance, Samantha McKinney, Doug Pilcher, Adi Kochav, Alex Dreiling, Brad Davy, Jeff Marsuchek, Clark Hymas, and Steve Sides
Guests: Ray Morton, Primo Rivera, and Rich Whitlow
Meeting began 9:00 p.m. EST.
International Judging School – Alex Dreiling
Alex informed the BOD that the International Judging School is ready to go. Phil said that Adi and Manrico have received their funds for the International Judging School.
SWAG – Alex Dreiling
Alex has been receiving questions on where IMAC merchandise can be purchased. Alex has done some research on some companies that we could use to sell merchandise and that we could link these sites to our own website. These companies do embroidery and screen printing. IMAC sets their margins. Alex has also spoken with Wayne Matthews with Sew Busy. His company does embroidery, not screen printing. Mr. Matthews would send IMAC funds for the merchandise that he sold each month. Phil informed the BOD that this is how he has done this in the past. There are also some pilots requesting to purchase more stickers that were sent out with the membership cards.
Brad hasn’t had a good experience with selling club branded merchandise. He said that the cost ended up being outrageous and wasn’t many requests for merchandise.
As a non-profit organization, we can make money to support our organization. With outsourcing to another company, they do not charge non-profits to setup the store. Alex will check to see if they can do international shipping. He will also check to make sure that each region can include their own merchandise, specific to their region.
Possible By-Law Changes for 2019 – Brad Davy
Brad started a post in the BOD forum regarding possible By-Law changes for 2019. There are currently five areas that need attention and further discussion.
The process to change the current By-Laws is going to be a difficult process. The current By-Law states that the By-Laws can only be changed at an annual meeting with a 2/3 majority vote of the members in attendance at the meeting. The initial problem is being able to host an annual meeting with several members in attendance. Geographically, this will be very hard to accomplish. A meeting could be held at the AMA NATS, but there wouldn’t be very many members in attendance.
Brad recommends that we modify the By-Laws to where it doesn’t require an annual meeting. In 2019, we could call an annual meeting online, which in turn, we would hold an online meeting on the website where the membership could vote. This would give every member online access, so they would have an opportunity to vote. With the 2/3 majority requirement, we would have to make it where it would be a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at the online meeting. The majority of the BOD believes we should host an online meeting. Every member must be notified of this meeting. The By-Laws state that we can mail each member a postcard, informing them of the annual meeting.
Another issue is currently the By-Laws state that to be a member of our IMAC organization, the member must be a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) or a recognized governing organization. Do we want to keep this as a requirement to be a member? IMAC does not have control whether our members are a member of AMA or other organizations. We are a special interest group of the AMA. Do we want to operate independently of AMA? In the sig meetings, this question has come up several times. IMAC is the only sig organization that requires their members to be AMA members or a recognized governing organization.
Another change would be to require an annual report to the membership.
Brad will create a draft of his recommended changes and post to the BOD forum. We shouldn’t vote on this issue until the new BOD enters in 2019.
Guidelines for RDs and their ARDs; What needs to be on the Contest before Approval is Granted; and IMAC Rules and/or Guideline Changes – Doug Pilcher
The Guidelines for the RDs and the ARDs are posted in the BOD forum for review.
Doug has worked on three new documents: How to get the most out of being RD; the Contest Standards, and the IMAC CD checklist. Gil had a question on the Contest Standards. The second table on the drop schedule and Gil doesn’t understand what it is saying, Knowns and Unknowns Drop Schedule. The first one is the percentage and the second one is the drops. The second schedule puts them all side by side. These schedules show how many sequences are dropped on the number of known and unknown rounds flown. This was changes due to a rainout where 2 unknowns were flown; one unknown round can still be dropped.
Brad had a question about the $20 discount on Contest Standards. What if a CD holds a contest and doesn’t offer the $20 discount, will it count as a regional points contest? Mike says that if we don’t offer the $20 discount, we are not benefiting our members. Why would anyone want to be a member if they don’t receive a discount? Mike says that it is time to make IMAC membership worth something and for the CD to step up and offer this. Brad says that we could potentially lose a member with the cost of the first contest being higher.
The original documents wording was “should,” instead of the new documents containing the word “shall.” Do we want to enforce the CD to offer the discount? By using “should,” it gives the CD more flexibility on new members coming to the contest. The CD would just add $20 to the IMAC member fee for the non-IMAC member fee. Steve wonders what happens at a contest and how does the CD know that the pilot is a member. Alex emails out the pilots’ list for score and spreadsheet of current IMAC members as of the day before the contest. With one vote for “should,” and the rest for “shall,” a majority of the BOD agree that the wording will be “shall” in the Contest Standards and CD Checklist documents.
A motion was made to approve the 2019 Contest Standards Guidelines and CD Checklist as presented by Doug in the BOD forum by Brad Davy and seconded by Phil Vance. Motion passed unanimously. Doug will upload the documents to the website.
The new rule book is published, but is not on the IMAC site. Mike will send to Roy to upload to the website and Mike will start printing them for the 2019 season.
Regional Monies to Carry into 2019 – Samantha McKinney
Samantha and Mike have been working with Phil on bringing the regional accounts back to actual retained amounts for the 2019 season. Each region will keep the money that they raised from 2015-2018. For expenses, if the region stayed under budget for that year, they did not keep the remaining regional funds left for that year. If the region went over budget for that year, the amount over the budgeted funding was subtracted from their regional account. Mike and Samantha worked on these numbers independently and have come out with the same 2018 ending balances.
Samantha will send the adjustments to Phil to make to the corrected amounts coming into the 2019 season.
Treasurer’s Report – Phil Vance
The balance at the end of November in the IMAC General Fund is as follows:
Checking $19,577.13
PayPal $16,380.04
Total $35,957.17
The current balance as of tonight:
Checking $34,527.45
PayPal $ 726.06
Total $35,253.51
The invoice for the new RedBook binders were more than anticipated. There were setup fees and shipping that wasn’t added in. PayPal again has questioned our FEIN because it doesn’t match the IRS. Samantha made a suggestion to Phil to check to make sure that the name with the IRS matches the name with PayPal.
The IWC account has a balance of $4,715.39, which included in the IMAC General Fund. The BOD still needs to decided what they would like to do for AMA as a donation. Phil has spoken with AMA and they said that we could send a donation or buy a brick. If we buy a brick, we need to decided what to have put on it.
Phil is still having domestic members renew under the International fee. It averages out to about 2-3 members per month.
Regional Issues – All RDs
Brad has had several pilots who want to be ARDs. He will get the pictures and names to Doug. The scheduling looks the same as 2018. Brad hasn’t heard any feedback on WRAM.
Mike informed the BOD that we will not be attending the Toledo Show in 2019. It was a major expense for IMAC, with not much feedback..
Steve has been working with Primo on the South East region, getting him ready to go. Primo has been receiving positive feedback with him being the RD. He has some ideas that he will run by the BOD at the January 2019 meeting.
The North Central region is doing well. Jeff is working with Ray on the transition. Jeff has ordered the RPS championship jackets from Sew Busy. Brad said that these jackets are a great idea for each region and would like for Jeff to share the information with the other RDs.
The North East region is also doing well. Clark is working on the 2019 schedule. He has found a spot for the regional judging school that won’t cost anything.
Alex reported that the South West region is doing well.
Doug needs to work with the new RDs on getting their Live Writer program setup and training done for Live Writer and the scheduling of contests. Doug would like to see a post from all the RDs for the New Years.
Adi reported that he and Manrico are working on the 2022 IWC and the 2020 Europeans. There will be a regional contest in Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. The Asia Pacific will be held in Australia. The pilots must be an IMAC member to participate in these regional contests.
Adi mentioned that it is time to make the International Region equal to the 6 domestic regions. We need to discuss splitting the International region into three regions: Latin America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Each region would have its own RD.
Michael Hobson is the new ARD for the Asia Pacific area. Mr. Hobson is the President of IMAC Australia.
Mike will be giving the International membership cards to Adi at the International Judging School in January for distribution to the International members.
Ty Lyman wants to have IMAC represented at Joe Nall. He is going to talk with a couple of people to help out with these event. Primo volunteered to help out with a booth. Primo also mentioned that we could do an IMAC demo.
Thank You – Mike Karnes
Mike thanked Jeff, Gil, and Steve for all the hard work they have done for IMAC for the past several years. Their work is much appreciated and will still be working with them in the future.
Meeting adjourned at 10:44 p.m. EST.